Plant Sale News

All Singing at the Plant SaleWhat a great time we had on Plant Sale Friday! The Canopy Café had brisk sales of quiche and homemade goodies. For a while, we were “Standing Room Only.” Many patrons then perused the assortment of crafts and plants which were available. Our preliminary sales total is $950.00! This will be added to the collection box total and used to support rainforest conservation efforts in Peru.
Each family should have received a collection box. Please continue to collect coins. Bring in the boxes whenever they get full and empty them into the large collection jars in your child’s classroom. All banks should be returned to school by week of May 28th. The children will sort and count the coins during the last week of school.
We have many plants left, particularly tomatoes, basil and zinnias. Please consider making a little space for one or two more. Ask friends and neighbors. It’s very heart-breaking to have to put leftover plants in the compost bin!!! Extra plants are located on the preschool carport and elementary porch.
Thanks for your support of our efforts to save the vanishing rainforests!