We have had a great start to our 2014-2015 school year. Our Peanuts are so excited to learn and try new lessons that it makes my job fun. Each week is packed full of activites.
On Tuesdays we have PE. So far we have dribbled balls across the basketball court and practiced throwing a Frisbee into the soccer net. The best part of PE is that the Peanuts get to play on the elementary playground.
Wednesdays are very busy for us. Right after lunch we head across the street for our library time. Everyone gets the opportunity to check out a book and take it home for a week. We discuss library etiquette and the importance of a calm, quiet voice in the library. Then we head to the drum room for drumming. I have to admit this is my favorite time. For the next 30 minutes we learn and practice West African drumming. Susan has already started teaching us a traditional West African rhythm that we will perform at Soup and Song in November.
Fridays are also busy and a lot of fun. We have special lunch on Fridays. This is where we practice our grace and courtesy lessons. It is so much fun to set up the tables with our placemats and special dishes; they really love the “real” candles that we light. Each Peanut is making a place met to use for special lunch that he/she will take home at the end of the year. We will also take a field trip at the end of the year to a nice restaurant where we will get the opportunity to practice all the grace and courtesy lessons that we have learned throughout the year.
After Special Lunch we have art, which has been very exciting. Wassily Kandinsky is the first artist we’ve studied. We have recreated his Farbstudie Quadrate by painting circles with different types of containers. The pieces turned out very nicely. Peanuts have decided to host an art show in the spring. Peanuts will each choose an artist of interest to research. The date will be announced in the spring.
We’ve had so much fun in such a short time. I can’t wait for what’s coming up next.