Elementary Students Get Out and Go

February 2012
Valentine's Day week was a "get out and go" week for the elementary. We worked the week before sewing and weaving to making Valentine's that the students could share, along with our beautiful voices, to residents of Morningside Assisted Living in Seneca. Derrick had us practicing a variety of songs and we had some discussions about giving our voices as a gift to others. On Valentine's Day we were ready for a new experience! It was heartwarming to see the results. We wish we'd had a video to share with you to let you be "the fly on the wall" to watch your children. They sounded great, but also smiled and chatted with residents as they handed out the Valentine's. It was very enlightening to hear their comments once we returned to school. For most all of our students, this was a first time entertaining people we didn't know and almost everyone of them want to "do it again." (And, the staff and residents at Morningside were so impressed with our students that they invited us back!) Thanks to everyone who helped with this effort.
On Wednesday, the Seniors went to view the Renaissance art at Bob Jones University. We gained so much insight into the art of that period from a very experienced guide. The atmosphere and organization of their art museum is well worth the trip! We knew not to expect a DaVinci or Michaelangelo, but we did discover that their Rembrandt (different period) was on loan to the Louvre! We also saw a round painting that once hung in Napoleon's house. Students are starting to grasp the age and significance of the artists we have studied.
We always try to get students to 'try something new' and we think of eating out as being another opportunity to do so. But, eating at Los Amigos prompted many to order a cheese quesadilla and then eating at Pita House in Greenville many were eating a cheese pita! We ordered some grape leaves, falafels, and spinach pie to let everyone try something different! Slowly the students are finding that they like some foods that they have never tried before.
Seniors have read and researched about the daily life of this period, have fantasized about being an apprentice, or better yet a lord or lady, and studied some of the art and literature. We will complete looking at the Renaissance by Spring Break by putting together the information they have collected in some type of newsletter or magazine format. Each student will have input in this project as it evolves!.