
Elementary students had great fun last Wednesday coming to school in jammies, eating pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and joining the Preschool for the mask parade and singing with Derrick. They also enjoyed putting the birthday bags together for CCC. Lots of thought went into which cake mix goes with what frosting, which goes with what party plates and candles, that match what pillowcase in which to assemble it all! Thank you to everyone who donated items for this project; students took 33 bags over to Clemson Community Care (CCC) on Thursday.
Our next CCC project will be putting together casserole bags. Students will collect and assemble the components and attach a recipe card. Please help out by adding canned tuna or chicken, cream of chicken or mushroom soup, canned milk, canned peas, or a 12 oz. bag of egg noodles to your grocery cart in the next weeks.
The Juniors also enjoyed lessons on graphing. We turned excitement that lingered from the Fall Festival and that mounted over Halloween festivities into collecting and graphing data, including which festival activities were most frequented by the group, and which items were most collected Halloween night. Students have begun conducting their own surveys and graphing their data.
All Elementary students are preparing for their second book share this Friday afternoon! Dioramas of settings, acting out scenes, 1st chapters of sequels...we can't wait to see what's in store.