
2024-25 Calendar

CMS Covid Guidelines as of 8/23/23

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Primary 1 - Susan and Patrick

We have an exciting week coming up.  Our pumpkin is scrubbed and ready for carving….well, almost.  First, we will need to gut our pumpkin.  While doing so, we will ponder whether a pumpkin, which isn’t very sweet on its own, is a fruit or a vegetable.  We will also discuss the parts of our pumpkin just as we did our apple. 

We will be making Aztec sun masks this week for our Halloween parade.  On Wednesday, we will all be wearing our pajamas.  Around mid-morning, we will march around the playground in our beautiful masks while Derrick entertains us with his fun songs.  The week will culminate with a tasty snack of pumpkin pancakes.  Like I said, exciting!         


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