PTO Fundraisers

Dear Parents,
I want to share some free and easy ways we can raise money for the Clemson Montessori PTO-
- SCRIP - I'm sure many of you have heard of the SCRIP Program but you may not be aware of how easy it is to use. You can purchase gift cards through Clemson Montessori from wide variety of national retailers and restaurants (including online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes); you receive the full value of the gift card and the retailer contributes a percentage of the sale to CMS PTO. I have attached a list of retailers (also online at and a SCRIP order form. In the past SCRIP orders with payment were due Tuesday for pick up on Friday. I know how challenging it can be just to get out the door in the morning with out having to remember one more thing; so feel free to call the office or email me your order and drop your payment by any time including Friday when you pick up your gift cards. I can also usually accept orders all the way up to Thursday morning.
- Grocery Store Rewards - Anyone who shops with a rewards card can take advantage of this opportunity to raise money for the PTO. Simply register you card and the school will start receiving benefits. Food Lion MVP- go to and follow the instructions to register your card; our school code is 21868. Ingles Advantage Card- go to and follow the instructions to register your card; the school code is 11436. BILO Bonus Card- Pick up Bi-lo Booster Plus enrollment form in the office. I have not found any current information about Publix participating in a school rewards program.I know they did in the past; if anyone has info about Publix or any other rewards programs please enlighten me.
- Upstate Locally Grown - USLG is an online farmers market that makes fresh local food available to members once a week and their weekly food pick up is right here at Clemson Montessori School. On Wednesday Donna Putney will deliver your order to the gravel lot on the Elementary Campus and for every order brought to our school USLG donates 3% to the PTO.( This includes orders made by families unaffiliated with the school so encourage a friend to sign up!) Your can order once from Upstate Locally Grown with out joining however to continue ordering you must pay a $50 annual membership fee. Visit their website for more info or to register
As a parent I know that Clemson Montessori School is already a significant part of your family budget that is why I am pleased to share these fundraising opportunities with you. In each instance you receive the full benefit of the products you purchase while CMS PTO is rewarded by your purchase. ( Some of you Econ folks remind me if this qualifies as a positive externality- it's been a while since 101). In any case my Dad would have called it a win-win. I would especially like to encourage you to give Upstate Locally Grown a try - give The Omnivores Dilemma a read or watch Food Inc if you wonder why. As always call or email if you have any questions or stop by and see me in the office.