Parent Night 2012-13
Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 9:56PM

It was great to see everyone at the Preschool Parent Meetings tonight!  New families picked up a Parent Handbook, which you can find online in our Parent's section.  I proudly introduced our preschool staff, Trish and Sam in the Pre-Primary, Marjory and Judy in Primary I, and Susan and Patrick in Primary II.  Parents also met Ellen, who will be our office coordinator.  I highlighted a few points pertinent to parents, then classroom teachers highlighted items pertinent to your main concern - your children!

A few points for parents included:

Consistent attendance is key!  Please ensure your child benefits from practicing Montessori lessons by attending school regularly.  If your child is sick, email the office,  If your child will have planned absences, let teachers know in advance.

Help our community stay safe!  Parking lot safety is a must, therefore please hold your child's hand from the parking lot to the drop off spot.  When we dismiss your child, please hold your child's hand until you reach the car.  As Pendleton Rd. is so busy, please refrain from children playing in the front yard of the school.  When you park, please pull in on the gravel and out on the paved driveway.  

Help our community stay healthy! Children who have had a fever or vomited in the last 24 hours should stay at home.  Chldren who do not feel up to the day's activities, regardless of the presence of fever or vomiting, should stay at home.  If your child needs to be given medication at school, please complete a Permission to Administer Medication form, found in the Parent's section of the website.  Prescription medications must be in the original container.

Accidents hopefully do not happen!  But, in the event that a child is injured, all of our staff are First Aid/Basic Life Support certified.  Typical injuries involve washing, neosporin, and a band aid.  In the event a serious injury occurs, parents are notified and appropriate measures taken.

Energize all day!  If your child stays at school through the afternoon, please pack a lunch, involving your child in the process.  You will find fatastic lunchbox guidelines and suggestions in our Parent Handbook, as well as quick nutritious breakfast options, all written by Susan, Primary I teacher and former nutritionist.

Money Matters!  Please direct any tuition invoice questions to our accounts manager, Sam, at

Are you parenting Montessori style? For great info on Montessori parenting, please take a look at "101 Things parents Can Do to Help Children"

Thanks to those of you who made it tonight.  Pleae join us for our Ice Cream Social Mon, Aug 20th at 6:30pm!

Article originally appeared on Clemson Montessori School (
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